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Command and Conquer


General things to have more information on a certain command

The --help or -h flag is a very common command to use for a command help. it’s used to display the help message of a command.

--help -h flag
man --help

The man command is used to display the manual of a command.

man find

If you don’t like to read manuals, you can install tealdeer

tealdeer installation
apt install tealdeer # For Ubuntu
pacman -Sy tealdeer # For Arch
tealdeer usage
tldr find

If you are moving beyond basics you can also use you need curl usage

You can add this in your bash or zsh shell config

cheatsh() {

The Filesystem

  • pwd - print working directory
  • ls - list alternative lsd
  • cd - change directory alternative zoxide
  • find - find files alternative fd
  • less - read large files alternative moar
  • cat - read small files alternative bat
  • touch - create an empty file
  • mkdir - create a directory
  • rmdir - remove an empty directory
  • rm - remove a file
  • mv - move a file or directory

Other Useful commands(WIP)

  • uname
  • lscpu
  • lsblk
  • dmidecode
  • lsusb